November 23, 2007


Maria had already made plans, detailed plans, to end her life. She was a freshman in college. She was struggling with severe depression. Her home life had been emotionally abusive for years. College had held hopes for freedom, but Maria still felt trapped.

A week before she had planned to kill herself, a classmate invited her to the weekly meeting of Campus Crusade for Christ. She reluctantly went to the meeting. She even filled out a comment card about her experience at the meeting.

She never expected anyone to bother contacting her.

She was wrong.

A few days later, Jessie and Amy (two students involved with Campus Crusade) got in touch with Maria. They told her about the love, hope and freedom that Jesus offers. Maria had never heard the gospel. She responded by accepting Christ into her life.

Just like Jessie and Amy reached out to her, Maria is now passionately telling her story with other girls in her dorm.