6 students sat wide-eyed in our conference room, anxious to learn about opportunities to serve with Campus Crusade Finance.
We had 4 hours to expose these students to financial roles and responsibilities and give them a hands-on financial experience.
After 2 weeks of prep time, we created a simplified version of a project we are currently working on. Our goal was to brief the students on pertinent facts and then task them with drafting a financial policy.
The students were split into 3 separate groups, each representing a different department: Corporate, Administration and Field. We gave them an outline of the scenario and then allowed them time to discuss pros and cons from the perspective of the department they represented.
I coached the Field group. It was so fun to lead these students into a better understanding of our ministry. They asked great questions, addressed key factors and engaged in real decision-making discussions.
At the end of our time together, the students had an opportunity for general Q&A. I could tell that a few of them were really interested in joining our staff.
We are praying that at least 2 of these students will join staff with Campus Crusade in a financial role. Ultimately we are praying that they will seek God’s will for their life and his call would be clear. Would you join us in praying for these students?
It will be exciting to see which students God has called to fill critical needs within our organization!