This week turned out nothing like I had planned. For those that know me well, you're probably laughing since I really prefer things to go as planned. But God had other plans for me this week -- REST. Saturday night I worked the service at church, covered for another guy that couldn't make it. It was a pretty normal evening working the graphics and chatting on the headset. I went home to an empty house. John was out at the movies with his friends and I wasn't that interested in seeing Tron, so home I went. As I sat on the couch watching tv, I started getting really warm and achy. Uh oh, I thought. I just need some sleep and I'll be fine. I went to bed and awoke Sunday morning in misery.
I was sweating and I had a sore throat. Uh oh. This was not in the plan. I dragged myself out onto the couch and fell asleep for a few more hours. By then, John was on his way home from church and offering to stop by the store to get medicine and Ginger Ale. By noon I was filled with Day-quil and throat lozenges. The worst part was the fever - one minute I'm sweating and the next minute I'm shivering cold. Sunday night I wasn't feeling any better, so I loaded up on Ny-quil and advil and fell asleep, hoping to be well enough to go to work the next morning.
Monday morning came all too quick. I got up with my alarm and went in to take a shower. Just as I was about to get out, the room started spinning and I felt lightheaded. Then things started going black. I knew I didn't want to be in the shower if I passed out, so I quickly turned off the water, got out and fell onto the bed next to John. I was so scared and it was obvious I wasn't in any condition to drive. So I called work and told them the grim news. Monday went pretty similar to Sunday. I made my way to the couch and didn't move the entire day. Hot, cold, sweating, shivering, Day-quil, advil. Repeat & repeat.
Then came Tuesday. Tuesday morning I woke up even more miserable than the days before. My throat was on fire and I could barely swallow. The pain was unbearable. I woke up John and declared it was time to go see a doctor. This was more than Ny-quil and Advil could handle. We visited our nearest Urgent Care center and saw a very nice Dr. Lopez. He took one look in my mouth and said "It's Strep Throat." He didn't even order the test because it was so obvious. So this is what strep throat feels like. It's awful! It's also my first time. Dr. Lopez prescribed antibiotics and steroids (the good kind, not the illegal kind). The antibiotics to fight the infection and the steroids to reduce the swelling in my throat and reduce pain. Let's just say things started going a bit better after I got the "good stuff." By dinner I was able to get down a bowl of soup and some crackers - progress! And by Wednesday I was feeling much more like myself.
Now it's Thursday night, the night before Christmas Eve. All the cookies are made...
and all the presents are wrapped.
Things are good. And Christmas is almost here, just as planned. :)