March 31, 2008


This weekend a bunch of us went rollerskating...yes, rollerskating. I'm pretty sure the last time I went rollerskating was at least 10 years ago (probably closer to 13 years). But if you had been there on Saturday night, you would have never known. I tore it up. And by that I mean, I didn't fall at all! It was such a flashback to my elementary school days where I would go rollerskating at least once a month. And I can remember at least 3 or 4 friend's birthday parties being held at the roller rink as well.

We had so much fun and paid dearly for it the next day. My roommate Molly came home with a roller rink burn on the hand, a bruise on her back side, and a blister on her foot. Me? I woke up with aches and pains in places I didn't even know could hurt and a matching blister on my foot as well. Despite the wounds, we had a blast! Who knows, maybe you'll find us at the roller rink every Saturday night.

Molly and I on the rink.

Molly and Chris showing off their skating skills.

Molly won the skating race for 18+ women. Her prize was a kid's size soda :)

Sarah came in second place and finished her race with an impressive fall.

No, I'm not considering a professional career.

Fun times were had by all!


  1. I remember driving you to those roller rink parties!! Love you, Mom

  2. my comments in the "TAKING THE BEACH" BLOG.......I thought I was doing it on this one and mixed the two of them up together........"A SENIOR MOMENT"...........GP Ronny

  3. Jackie! It's been a while since we've heard from you...just thinking about you. Love, Bethany
