When I was little I dreamed of what I would be when I grew up, and I wasn't afraid to dream BIG. I remember dreaming of being an Actuary. An Actuary, of all things. You probably don't even know what that is. For fear of boring you I will just say that they work with statistics. And I didn't just want to be any Actuary. I wanted to be an Actuary for DISNEY! You see, my brain concluded that since Disney was a huge company they surely would employee Actuaries. I have no idea if that's true or not, but I dreamed it.
Wondering where or why I came up with this dream? Simple, someone told me that there are very few Actuaries in the world and therefore they make LOTS of money. Well that was a cinch...I wanted to do something that very few people did and makes lots of money doing it...and possibly get to know Cinderella while I was at it.
Since then I've had other dreams too. I've dreamed of meeting the man of my dreams, falling in love with him and having a spectacularly beautiful wedding. I dreamed that for a while. And then it happened. My dream came true. But what happens after your dream comes true? Do you stop dreaming? I guess I did.
Besides the man-of-my-dreams dream, I can't remember the last time I dreamed something wonderfully fantastic. I was thinking about this the other night and I just couldn't remember. Then I wondered, why not? Why haven't I been dreaming? And I think it's because I was afraid they wouldn't come true. Let's see - my dream came true and then I concluded that I shouldn't dream anymore because they wouldn't come true. Like, I used up my one dream ticket. Maybe I don't want to get my hopes up, or have people think I'm unrealistic, or looney, or whatever. Just let things happen and if it's meant to be then it will be. I don't know if that's totally bad, but something in my soul has started stirring.
What if I started dreaming BIG again? And yeah they may not come true, but what if they do? What if by dreaming I open myself up to opportunities that may not have been possible otherwise? What if I dare to tell God what my BIG dreams are? Would he think I'm nuts? Tell me that those types of dreams only happen to other people? I don't think He will. You know why? Because he knows the desires of my heart, even if I never speak them. I think that many times He's waiting for us to open our hearts up and dream. To not be ashamed of the desires of our hearts but proclaiming them and then waiting with anxious anticipation for Him to make our dreams come true!
Because of this, I'm going to proclaim one of my BIG dreams right here on this blog. I dream of one day raising a family in a large, gorgeous stone house. There I said it. Whew. That wasn't so bad. Dreaming about a stone house led me to Google (because let's face it, almost everything leads me to Google nowadays) where I found some amazing homes that I wanted to share with you.
Are you scared to dream BIG?